Life Insurance Products

Saving And Investment Plan

IndiaFirst Mahajeevan Plan


This  is a participating, non-linked endowment plan that offers an assured maturity amount plus a revisionary bonus declared by the company every financial year end and terminal bonus, if any


  • Accumulate your savings systematically, through regular premium contributions based on your income and needs
  • Plan your future needs and decide when you need the assured amount - anytime between 15 – 25 years
  • Prosper with the guaranteed maturity amount (sum assured) + the bonus (if any)
  • Enjoy additional earnings through terminal bonus (if any)
  • Enhance the plan benefits with IndiaFirst Term Rider and get an additional death benefit equal to the rider sum assured in case of the life assured's untimely demise
  • Avail tax benefits under Section 80 C and Section 10 (10D) as per prevailing Income Tax Laws


Minimum age for applying : 5 years
Maximum age for applying : 55 years
Add min and max sum assured and min / max policy term here

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